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Our Mission StatementAdvancing the Kingdom of God by equipping and encouraging Christian business leaders to operate their businesses on Biblical principles.


What is a Roundtable Meetinng?

One of our Partner's recently described a Roundtable Meeting as: multiple simultaneous peer mentoring encounters based on the context developed by that meeting's Presenter.

When you join a Roundtable, you never know if you are a mentor, a mentee, or the direction your encounter will take!

Training Sectors

We cover ALL aspects of business management.

CBL Roundtable trains you how to do business in accordance with Biblical principles. That's ALL we do. We're not a networking group, although you might make some valuable connections here.  We're more of a personal training and support group, where anyone in today's business world from the new college graduate to the veteran business professional can gain new insights - each and every week.  


Each week, a keynote speaker presents training in one of the 8 key business sectors shown in this graph. Our goal is to cover the full counsel of God and speak to the issues each and ever one of us faces every day - across all areas of business.




Providing our Champions with a Stage to Reach their Spheres of Influence

Participation - Calendar of Events
Participate with CBL Roundtable.  See our schedule of up-coming events and plan your attendance with us.

Engage our ministry platform to enhance your workplace presence while sharpening your business skills

Commit to be an integral part of growing and enhancing this ministry to Marketplace Christians by Joining us.

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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Sample a Recent Training


Video Nuggets

What can you learn by joining us at our Roundtable discussion?  Here is a nugget from one of our recent meetings.